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X-Controller Kit

A high-power motion controller kit for your 3D carving machine.

X-Controller Kit
  • X-Controller Kit
  • X-Controller Kit
  • X-Controller Kit
Price Part Number Type
$429.00 3D Carving Motion Controller

Product Details

The X-Controller is a robust 3D carving motion controller kit. It controls your machine’s movement during a carve by powering the stepper motors. It has about 3-4 times more usable motor power than entry-level controllers.

Everything you need to run your machine, including the power supply, is integrated into a single chassis. Large, removable terminal blocks make it easy to wire your X-Carve. Assembly is required but does not include soldering or crimping.

The X-Controller works for 110-240v voltages (switchable) and includes a US-voltage cable.

Technical Data

Mechanical Outline Drawing

Assembly instructions

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Do I need to purchase a power supply?

No! The power supply 24V 400W power supply is included in this controller kit.

What stepper motors can be used?

The X-Controller can supply up to 4 amps per motor. You can safely use all of that power without over heating. Like a gShield, you can run bigger motors, but the current is still limited to the max of 4 amps. We recommend using Nema 17 or 23 motors.

Can it be mounted upside down or vertically?

It can be mounted either way and even used in the southern hemisphere ;)

What software can I use with it?

The X-Controller uses pure unadulterated Grbl, so any CAM program that exports standard gcode can be used. Easel will connect directly to the X-controller. You can design natively or import SVG files, images, or G-code into Easel.

Is this controller more accurate the the gShield?

The X-Controller has higher resolution control of the motors, but a lot of other factors in the machine determine if you will ever actually see that in accuracy.

Do I need anything else to hook this up to my X-Carve?

To take full advantage of the X-Controller’s 4th stepper driver, you will need an additional length of stepper motor cable. We recommend 10ft to be on the safe side, however this can vary depending on which size machine was purchased. There is an alternative way of wiring the machine using no additional stepper motor cable, and this is detailed in the usage instructions.