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Remake of "CNC Clamp and Tool storage"

Natalie Smith

Project by

Natalie Smith
Olympia, WA

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I remade this a little differently. I made it a 26x 5.75” to arrange things how I wanted, also I just used a scrap piece of aromatic red cedar so it smells great????So glad that now I’m organized and won’t be scrambling to find what I need.

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Mike Mayleben
Are you willing to share your Easel project of this?
Mike Mayleben
Natalie Smith
Yes I thought it was available to share but now it really is. Thanks for the interest, hope you like it.
Natalie Smith
Jim Jackson
I don't see the blue open in Easel button on the bottom right. It is okay to say I don't want to share at this time.
Jim Jackson
J Lynch
I would like this project as well.
J Lynch
I would like to make this as well. Can you enable sharing?
Adam Aronson
Natalie, this is SO great. Please share it so we can make it too! :-)
Adam Aronson
Michael Kernan
Nice job. I think I'll have to "borrow" your idea of using cedar, as I have some nearby. Thank you for sharing. Mike
Michael Kernan